About Us

Friendly, experienced and trusted dog walker for Coalville, Whitwick, Ibstock and the surrounding areas.

Charlotte Ballard dog walker at Otis & Friends

Providing Safe, Convenient Exercise for Your Bestie

Otis and Friends was set up in August 2017. We have specialised in solo dog walking, and have vast experience in dealing with the more challenging of characters. We have never refused a dog.

In 2020 we finally branched out into group walking. Having learnt so much during our first 3 years of service, we felt now was the right time to progress, meaning we have something for everyone. 

Charlotte is the owner, she mainly focuses on group walks. Find out more about us on further down the page.  Dogs are our speciality however we love all animals, we have looked after lots including cats, tortoises, rabbits and chickens in the past. If we can help make your life easier by having the lucky job of looking after your pets we will be more than happy to help.

Small dog walker in Leicestershire
Charlotte Ballard Coalville Dog Walker

Meet Charlotte

Charlotte and Otis Dog Walker Hi, I’m Charlotte and the adorable Cockapoo in the photo is my world, Otis. I founded Otis & Friends Dog Walking Services in August 2017.

After working in office based jobs for 10+ years one day I just thought, nope I’ve had enough of this life and I want more.

Without having a clue of what I was going to do next I wrote my notice, printed it out, fetched it off the printer, walked into my bosses office and handed it over! Id never done anything like this before but it just felt right. I was done with wasting my life, looking out the window and wishing I was elsewhere. I knew that I wanted to do something I was passionate about, and that naturally fell into the “animal” category.

My biggest love in life is dogs, sorry Ash! They are just amazing. They love unconditionally, no matter what. They definitely have sense of humours. Each one is different meaning they never fail to surprise you… good or bad. 

My first route was to start looking at becoming a groomer. I priced up courses, lodges and fittings. This is what I was going to do. Luckily I have a friend who is a groomer and she offered me a chance to go and work with her to see if I liked it. I am forever thankful to her, for two things. Firstly for letting me find out that actually I didn’t particularly enjoy grooming and I certainly didn’t have a natural flare 🤣 and the second is her saying “Why don’t you have a go at dog walking?” My reply “Surely people won’t pay me to walk their dogs?” – the rest is history! My little business has gone from strength to strength. I love the variety, I love seeing the seasons. Im even getting used to winter which I never thought I’d say especially after working my first during the “Beast from the East”, that was some hardcore walking right there but most of all I LOVE the dogs! They get me out of bed every day, they get me through the hard times and they make the good times even better.

I wouldn’t want to do anything else and the last three years have been the first time I’ve felt content with how I am spending my life. I feel so grateful and honoured to be in this position.

Looking For A Professional?

Otis & Friends have been providing the best dog care and walks since 2017.

Leicestershire Dog Walkers

Get in Touch By Phone Or email

If you have any questions or would like to book a walk, please feel free to get in touch and we'll be happy to help.